Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Twenty-second recipe - Strawberry Waffles -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My Twenty-second  recipe for the new cookbook - Strawberry Waffles

This is still one of my favorites in the summer time while strawberries are fresh and plentiful.

1 unit strawberry waffle
1 unit cream or milk
dash Vermont/Massachusetts Maple Syrup


1 Waffle
6 organic fresh strawberries
A pat of butter . . . or more
2 scoops vanilla whey powder
2 cups rice milk/cow milk/ cream (with extra water to help thin it

1/4 cup of tree nuts

When I was young and my Father flew helicopters for the United States Coast Guard, we moved every two years.  It was always an adventure.  I always thought that I was so lucky living in so many different places.  It was traditional to wake up well before dawn, and pile the entire family (our family ranged from 6-10 people depending on the year) into a station-wagon and drive down the road for several hours before the children woke up.  It was also traditional to stop at an International House of Pancakes, whenever possible.  Most of the younger kids, like myself, always ordered waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.  I think my parents approved because that extra boost of sugar made us sleepy again.

While we were living in Hollywood, Fl, during strawberry season, we would stop by a local farm-stand after attending Mass, and bring fresh strawberries home to make waffles and strawberries. Out of season, and for a treat, we would have Sunday breakfast at an IHOP.   I always remember having a wait a long time in the lobby while they found a table that could seat 10 people.

Today, my children also devour waffles and strawberries but only with organic strawberries, Vermont/Massachusetts maple syrup and fresh whipped cream.  Nowadays the organic strawberry season is a lot longer than when I was a child.

One of the nice reasons to eat pureed strawberry waffles, is that the thickness helps to push medicine pills down the throat.

Surprisingly, waffles puree really well.  If you you don't have a waffle-maker frozen waffles are a good substitute.
Many family gathering, like weddings, include a Sunday Buffet.  Some restaurant/hotels that have a buffet are willing to puree the waffle for you - just ask.  You would be surprised at how many restaurant employees love to help when you have this kind of request.

I have to to this in, because you can add too much syrup.  My issue is that the syrup makes me cough as it sticks to my throat, and might drink into the bronchial pathways.

I traditionally drink this meal lukewarm.  It's not quite a smoothie, and it is too hot as a hot meal.

I like to add either pecans, walnuts or almonds for a little extra protein.

Please add your comments and suggestions to my blog.  Nice to see people from around the globe reading my blog.  Please follow you want the latest recipes.

I have created a companion page on Facebook called: 100 Meals Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer Survivors.  Sometimes it is easier to share a FB page than send a blog address.

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