Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Twenty-first - Eggs Benedict w/ spinach -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My Twenty-first  recipe for the new cookbook - Eggs Benedict w/ spinach

1 unit Egg Benedict
1/2 unit spinach


3 egg yolks
1/2 squeezed lemon
1/4 stick butter
Worcestershire/Tabasco  sauce optionl
2 pieces of Canadian Bacon
1 whole toasted English Muffin
3 egg whites
1 egg (whole)
1 egg-sized unit of frozen spinach


Many cancer survivors have compromised immune systems so I do not recommend raw eggs for anyone that even has a question in your mind whether it is a good idea. I go cook a number of my meals with pasteurized egg-whites and pasteurized whole egg.  Both taste great and work well in a blender, so don't let that be an issue for you.  I do wish that they sold the pasteurized eggs in a larger container, because I go through a lot of them in a week.

It is worth saying a second time, in case you missed the first notice.

Nothing says Sunday morning like Eggs Benedict.  In true, I would eat Hollandaise on toast is my wife let me.  Come on you would too . . .

OK, so spinach is non-traditional, but I hear my nutritionist in my head saying you need to add more vegetables to your meals.  Spinach is a great complement to Eggs Benedict.

I make what most people would consider a double batch, because making a single serving is hardly enough in one blender.  I do recommend using a Vitamix for this recipe, because the English muffin needs the extra power to blend it up.  Also it is great to make the Hollandaise sauce right in the Vitamix before adding the rest of the ingredients.  Yes I was surprised I could not find a Vitamix recipe on-line except a reference on FaceBook by Lynne Forbes-Zeller.  Thanks Lynne!

Add a 1/4 stick of butter to the Vitamix.  I don't bother to melt the butter, because the Vitamix can melt the butter pretty quickly - plus since we are adding the other ingredients right into the mixer immediately, I am not worried about the Hollandaise sauce separating.  Add egg yolks, lemon and optional Worcestershire and Tabasco. Add extra hot water to make sure the ingredients don't blender to dry as they splash on the sides of the blender.  Blend on the "SOUP" Setting until mixture starts to warm up the outside of the blender.

In an omelette pan add 1/2" of water bring to a boil. Add Canadian bacon and cook until bacon starts to puff up/shrivel.  Add frozen spinach and bring back to boil.  Add the egg whites that you separated from the yolks, and one extra egg. Cook on low.

While the eggs are cooking, toast English muffin a little extra brown, but not burned.    Because you are not browning the Canadian bacon the extra browning on the English muffin adds a nice "roundness" to the meal.

Add muffin and omelette pan ingredients to the Vitamix.  Most of the water should have boiled off cooking the eggs, so you will need to add extra water to thin the meal.

This makes about a pint of eggs benedict.

Please add your comments and suggestions to my blog.  Nice to see people from around the globe reading my blog.  Please follow you want the latest recipes.

I have created a companion page on Facebook called: 100 Meals Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer Survivors.  Sometimes it is easier to share a FB page than send a blog address.

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