Monday, August 22, 2016

My Seventieth - Deep Fried Haddock, coleslaw, and Fries -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My Seventieth - Deep Fried Haddock, coleslaw, and Fries -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My wife and daughter just got back from a trip from Maine,  They brought me a doggy bag of deep fried Haddock - Yum.  Truth be told, I rarely order fried Haddock, because there was usually fried calamari or fried clams on the menu, and I would order those first.  However, both of those are a little trickier to puree, so I will give you my recipe for Haddock, and if you are daring you can move on to Calamari or clams

I used to have a roommate who would make Portuguese style calamari, and lets just say it's not like his mom used to make, so I was very turned off on squid for years.  Not to mention squid is my favorite bait for bluefish fishing.   It wasn't until my brother-in-law, Dana surprised us at lunch with an appetizer of fried Calamari that I fell in love.

I used to work in Andover, Mass. where fish on Fridays during Lent was a pretty popular dish, and a friend and I used to go out for lunch every Friday.  One restaurant only served fried haddock on Fridays, so they could dedicate one fryolator to haddock,  which made it taste special

1 unit fried haddock
1/2 unit of fries
1 unit coleslaw
1 small scoop of tartar sauce

50% of non-alcoholic beer to water

Now, the old New England tale is that if you see SCROD it is made from Small COD, if you see SCHROD it is made from Small HADDOCK.  Anyway you slice it it, it is still going to be pureed.  Best part is that you can just drop pieces into a blender

No really, some people put cheese on their fried fish.  OK, I have pureed a McDonald's filet o fish sandwich and it does have cheese.  No need for fries if you puree the bun.

Go light on your sauces.  Remember that pickles can overwhelm a meal

I have added a little non-alcoholic beer to give it that authentic taste

For me, this meal is about the fish, not the fries,  You may not need many fries in the puree depending on the thickness of the batter.

I typically keep frozen breaded fried fish in the freezer

Please add your comments and suggestions to my blog.  Nice to see people from around the globe reading my blog.  Please follow you want the latest recipes.

I have created a companion page on Facebook called: 100 Meals Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer Survivors.  Sometimes it is easier to share a FB page than send a blog address.

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