Saturday, December 24, 2016

My Eighty-eight - Au Gratin Potatoes -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My Eighty-eight - Au Gratin Potatoes -100 Meals You Never Thought You Would Eat Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer patients

My family gathers in Atlanta every year.  This is the first time, I have been able to make the trip since neck surgery two years ago.  Nothing like family for Christmas.

I asked my sister, with whom I am staying, to include me in the food prep, as I love to cook.  I arrived on Festivus (Christmas Eve, Eve) and the last main dish to be prepared was potatoes, au gratin potatoes.

There are three main starches for us who need to puree: Pasta, Rice, and potatoes.  And besides, hash-browns, au gratin potatoes are one of my favorites.

For descendants of Northern Europe, au gratin potatoes are a staple for Christmastime meals, so the fact that my sister tasked myself, my niece, and my nephew to make the potatoes, felt just like Christmas to me.  Nothing says Christmas like family gathering in the kitchen to cook.  Also, nice to hand the kitchen skills down to the next generation who think making quesadillas, as cooking. 

RECIPE:This is a wonderful dump, stir and bake version

Large bag of uncooked frozen hash-brown chunks

1/3 cup diced white onion
One and a half cup shredded cheddar cheese
One large container Sour Cream or unflavored yogurt

mix up, dump in a pan and bake . . . 

Jeff, the recipe is rather vague . . . yes, I have not gotten my sister's permission to share it, and You know how cooks are about their recipes . . . If there is a printed version, I'll ask her for it


Last night, I pureed the au gratin potatoes with pork tenderloin, spinach salad, and a dash or two of pinot noir.   Don't judge me - it is the holidays, and Willy Wonka would have approved.

I often use potatoes in the morning with breakfast meats . . . 

Potatoes are great in a puree because they help suspend all the heavy items, like meat.  Potatoes are also able to absorb at lot of oil.  My nutritionist always wanted me to add more olive oil to my diet and potatoes are great at that.

Potatoes are also great at suspending cheese.  I find cheese and potatoes work great at preventing the cheese from sticking to the stomach peg.

Please add your comments and suggestions to my blog.  Nice to see people from around the globe reading my blog.  Please follow you want the latest recipes.


I have created a companion page on Facebook called: 100 Meals Pureed - Recipes for Head and Neck Cancer Survivors.  Sometimes it is easier to share a FB page than send a blog address.

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