Sunday, January 25, 2009

THe Art of Objections – Yes, that is exactly why I’m calling.

The number one problem in Sales is Objections. You need to agree with the prospect. The most successful technique I learned is to say “Yes, that is exactly why I’m calling.”


“Yes, that is exactly why I am calling. We are talking with companies right now that have no money for at least 18 months; however, they are using this downtime to do the research so that they can present the proper solution when the money comes back. . .”

I have discovered that many CIO’s are worried about their jobs. When asked for a solution to the companies problems they have to come up with the right answer that will work the first time. If your solution really is as good as you say – they will find the money sooner. If it isn’t that good – you need to sell a different product.


“Yes, that is exactly why I’m calling. I am trying to find out if you are working on President’s Day. I’m working that day, and I am trying to find out if you have to work that day too . . .”

You will be surprised how many top executives have to work partial days on American only holiday- especially executives working for multi-national companies. Also try the day before “Major Holidays” like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, etc. Most of the “TEAM” has taken the time off so there are no team-meetings.

Always make the executive feel that you have done your homework and are prepared to meet them, because you understand the situation at hand.

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