Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stomach Peg Original Soup™ SPOS STARCH ADD ONS

Stomach Peg Original Soup™ SPOS STARCH ADD ONS

When going through radiation you are going to lose weight. Dana Farber worked with me to minimize the amount of weight I lost per week. Since I wasn’t going to consume 12 cans of “Nutritional supplements from a can” per day, I needed to add starch into my diet. I found that over-cooked pasta worked best. The shape of the pasta didn’t matter because you were going to puree it up anyway. You really need to over cook the pasta, because when you use the immersion wand to puree it, it needs to have very few lumps. Whole wheat pasta needs to be cooked longer, I usually cooked the pasta on high for ten minutes and then simmered for a half hour TV program.(1) Pour the water out until you have about equal parts pasta and water, then puree. Yes it looks terrible. Its just a milky white broth. Trust me it even worse when you let it chill in the refrigerator! This is why I kept it separate from the Basic SPOS.

It works wonderfully. Basically, you are adding mash potatoes to the SPOS. The biggest problem is that your kids will eat it before you get a chance to use it

I never really found a way to over cook the rice and puree it into a mash that I could strain. I will admit that I am not an expert rice cooker, so in the hands of a master or at least an experienced rice chef it should work very well.

Basically if you can puree it you can use it. The purpose is to pick a starch that the patient finds appealing when it is not pureed. If I could have found a way to puree a rib-eye I would have!

Just before you strain the SPOS into the microwave safe mixing bowl, pour/push the starch through the strainer. I typically used about a ½ cup of starch. Then pour the SPOS through the strainer. Before you microwave the bowl, stir the soup to gage the thickness of the soup.


Jeff Scott

(1) It is a known fact that I spent hours huddled in a comforter in the big easy chair watching Ellen and American Chopper. My cooking habits tended to run in half hour increments.

Middle of Radiation with Chemo-lite

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