My Fifty-sixth recipe for the new cookbook - Southern Potato Salad
one scoop of potato salad two scoop of liquid
Everyone has a favorite recipe which has been handed down, or they are trying the latest version circling the internet.
Surprising Memorial Day foods are pretty easy to puree. Many are soft because it is to hard to have a full set of silverware. So ready to eat rules the day. The hardest thing you us to find is electric power at a beach . . . .
However, if you are at a gathering at a friends house, life is easier. I recommend having small courses over several hours - egg salad, potato salad, pork and beans, cake and ice cream, more cake and ice cream. pain reliever and ice cream. As you can see, most of us are worried about putting on weight so potato salad and ice cream are paramount, but don't blend them together.
Like egg salad and pork and beans, everything in a potato salad is soft - except the celery. Celery is usually sliced small enough that it purees really well.
I often add raw carrots and celery to my dishes that I puree in a Vitamix. I use the smoothie setting, and it works fine. If you are taking a smaller portable unit to use, puree potato salad with a celery hunks need a little bit more time to crush them.
Many of the dishes that you have at a picnic stick to the blender because of the high fat and oil content. Be sure to rinse out the mixer between uses, to lower the risk of heat born diseases.
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